Monday, April 21, 2008

Flip Flops Make You Feel Fabulous!

Yes they do yes they do!

I wanted to blog about my favorite thing to wear during my favorite time of year. Flip flops. I love how they flip and flop. I wore my favorite flip flops yesterday. I've had them for three years. They are silver Target flip flops with beads. They go with everything, and have been accessorized with many of my outfits. They have been out of the country twice and have been around this country it's fair share of times. They've been on the beach, and been on the Colorado road riding free on a motorcycle, they've been to Kansas to visit with family, they've of course been to work, they've been on a deck of the most beautiful cruise ship, they've probably stepped in their fare share of gum, poop, spit...yuck. But the thing about these flip flops, or any flip flops at this matter is that they make me feel fabulous =) I can wear them with skirts, shorts, capris, bermudas, dresses, and jeans. I can wear them to go get the mail, or to run and get milk at the store, or to let my neighbors dog out. Point being these are the most convenient piece of clothing I wear. I don't wear socks with them (some people might, but they have squinty eyes =) ) I don't have to tie them, I don't have to velcro them. I love flip flops enough to blog about them =) I hope you like flip flops as much as I do.

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